The hospital sector is going through an undeniable moment of growth throughout the Latin American continent. More than one hundred new LAC hospitals are being built with large investments in Chile
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Strategic Networking
JP Mundo is your premier partner for strategic networking services in the public & critical infrastructure industries. This includes Airports, Ports, and Municipalities that undertake Smart City Initiatives in transportation efficiency and crime management. Our network of relationships and networking functions allow us to connect companies and their solutions with decision makers throughout LAC.
Networking Estratégico
JP Mundo es su socio principal para servicios estratégicos de networking en las industrias de infraestructura pública y crítica. Esto incluye aeropuertos, puertos y municipios que llevan a cabo iniciativas de ciudades inteligentes en eficiencia de transporte y gestión del crimen. Nuestra red de relaciones y funciones de networking nos permite conectar empresas y sus soluciones con tomadores de decisiones en toda América Latina y el Caribe (LAC).
Desarollo de Negocios
Business Development Integration
Desarollo de Negocios
Integración de Desarrollo de Negocios
Business Development
Business Development Integration
Strategic Networking
JP Mundo is your premier partner for strategic networking services in the public & critical infrastructure industries. This includes Airports, Ports, and Municipalities that undertake Smart City Initiatives in transportation efficiency and crime management. Our network of relationships and networking functions allow us to connect companies and their solutions with decision makers throughout LAC.